All hail free speech – except when it’s against Israel

get-attachment-816-587x440Just when you thought things had calmed down for journalists, another one bites the dust over Charlie Hebdo. 34 year CNN veteran Jim Clancy was forced to resign last week over tweets suggesting that Hebdo was never really mocking the prophet Muhammad but was instead mocking his detractors. Later tweets suggest that by ‘detractors’ Clancy meant zionists, which suggests Clancy may have thought Zionists had somewhat of a bone to pick with Hebdo. Who knows?

None of this was spelled out by the veteran correspondent, who deleted his twitter account shortly afterwards and according to this source does not appear to be willing to elaborate beyond his immediate resignation, but a string of tweets between him and a well known israeli propagandist show Clancy’s obvious impatience with what he clearly sees as crass israeli attempts to use PR to derail Palestinian efforts at self-determination. The fact that it comes immediately after his tweet about Hebdo remains a mystery.

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It’s all pretty obtuse, but one thing is crystal clear – you can’t speak out against israeli violations of human rights and expect to keep your job as a journalist.

All hail free speech – except when it’s against israel.


  1. Pay no attention to dancing Israelis on Paris streets shouting Allahu Akbar!
    Pay no attention to dancing Israelis on Paris streets shooting blanks.
    Pay no attention to dancing Israelis here to “document the event” (911)
    Pay no attention to dancing Israelis on Kiev roof tops sniping both sides. (how they roll)
    Pay no attention to dancing Israelis murdering sailors of the USS Liberty!
    Pay no attention to dancing Israelis………..


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