Without Hitler, there would be no Israel – Does the ‘zi’ in Nazi stand for Zionism?

An eye opening look at the history that places zionists at the heart of Nazi, Germany. The clip begins with historical news overage of the author of the original “Transfer Agreement,” a non-fiction account of the secret pact between the National Socialist government in Germany and German Zionists. The agreement allowed for 60,000 German Jews to emigrate with their assets to Palestine. In return, German Zionists agreed to reject the American Jewish boycott of Germany. According to a wiki entry describing the 25th edition of the book, “there was no effort to deny the history documented in this book.”

According to the video, zionists and national socialists commemorated their pact by minting a coin that had the swastika on one side and the star of David on the other.


Some go even further, suggesting that the nazi swastika itself is derived from a hebrew symbol. (I have no way of determining the accuracy or authenticity of this image.)


Though very controversial in the conclusions that can be drawn from it, the Transfer Agreement irrefutably demonstrates that the rise of Nazi Germany was instrumental to the creation of Israel.


  1. The concept of Zionism appeared much much earlier than WWII. Zionism was supposed to be a good thing, to support a land of Israel. Maybe, over the years its become something more sinister? Early Zionists were thinking of creating a Jewish land in Argentine or in Africa. The idea of creating a holy land in the British mandate of Palestine occurred later.

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